大石 亨 Toru Oishi

1923年 大分県に生まれる
1950年 東京大学経済学部卒業 雑誌ダイヤモンド社に記者として入社
1979年 ダイヤモンド社を退社 フリーライターとして独立 「大蔵大臣髙橋是清」ほか著作数冊
1998年 ライターを辞め、画業に転向 日本における唯一の抽象表現主義 「ABSTRCT EXPRESSIONISM」作家を目指す

活動歴 1996年 新日本美術協会会員
現在 国内展の他、NY Caelum Gallery、上海風月舎画廊で活躍

作者より一言 私は制作にあたり、何をどう描くかは考えない。キャンバスに向かい精神が高揚するのを待ち、それをそのまま画面に表現します。

1923 Born in Oita
1950 Tokyo University department of economics graduation Entered the company as a reporter by magazine Diamond Co., Ltd.
1970 Left Diamond Co., Ltd. Independent as a freelance writer Several “The Minister of Finance Korekiyo Takahashi” others writing
1998 Resign as a writer and convert to painting Aim at the only Abstract Expressionism “ABSTRCT EXPRESSIONISM” artist in Japan

1996~ Member of association of New Japan art
Present day Other than a country exhibition, I playing an active part at Shanghai Fugetsusha gallery and NY Caelum gallery.

Message from Toru Oishi When I produce it, I do not think about what I draw how. I wait for mind to become exalted toward the canvas and express it to the same screen.

oil painting

Very mysterious
oil painting

oil painting

The eary spring
oil painting

Spring is in fullbloom
oil painting

oil painting

Spring sorrow 1
oil painting

Spring sorrow 2
oil painting

Present 1
oil painting

Present 2
oil painting

Present 3
oil painting

Present 4
oil painting

Spring storm A
oil painting

Spring storm B
oil painting

Spring storm C
oil painting

Spring storm D
oil painting


大石亨作品集 Toru Oishi Collection of Works

in commemoration of the birth 95th anniversary

A5版 20頁 35作品掲載
